by Emily Reyes, UC Merced class of 2024, Environmental Humanities Communications Specialist
EH 001: Intro to Environmental Communications
Our first class is Intro to Environmental Communications, which is being offered for the very first time this semester! This class is the heart of the Environmental Humanities program, with the goal of introducing key concepts to students. The two main texts for this course are Stop Saving the Planet by Jenny Price and Undoing the Silence by Louise Dunlap.
EH 001 will be a very interactive class with fun projects, including writing and performing an environmental skit and collaborating to develop a pop-up shop on campus where students, faculty, and staff can swap clothing. If you’re interested in learning about environmental issues and effective communication methods for larger audiences, this class is perfect for you!
SPRK 010: Carson House
The next EH course is available in the form of a SPRK class, which is a requirement for all first-year students. In this SPARK 010 section, students will be on field trips every day. They will take facility tours and look at solar panels, dining facilities, the Bobcat Pantry, the Community Garden, and more. Every class will be somewhere different on campus!
One of the main projects for this class will be developing a research question based on one of the many class field trips. This class is perfect for students interested in sustainability and getting involved with eco-friendly resources and opportunities on campus.
Note: This class will only be open to Carson House Living Learning Community (LLC) students, UC Merced’s sustainable dorm on campus.
EH 060: Science Fiction and Climate Disaster
Students interested in the Sci-Fi genre will enjoy EH 060, a class centered around science fiction media and topics. Students will discuss short stories, novel chapters, TV shows, and movies related to the Sci-Fi and climate disaster genre. This course will present dystopian, post-apocalyptic, and disaster-focused themes, enabling students to consider the social, political, and environmental effects of these fictitious worlds.
By mirroring elements of our current environmental crisis, this course will leave students wondering if this media provides an early warning of impending disasters.
ENG 167: Theatre and Environmental Justice
Love watching or participating in theater? Care deeply about our environment? ENG 167 is a perfect combination of the two—it is designed for students who are impassioned by ecological issues and the performing arts.
Theatre and Environmental Justice is a fun course that allows students to view, write, and perform pieces that represent issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental injustice.